The right to get angry
When it is a matter of mutual respect.
Pro salute patriae sua capita voverunt
On outperforming meta-goedelization
via short-circuiting self-referentiality
When it is a matter of mutual respect.
È tutto così ingiusto.
Continuare a leccarsi le ferite è il miglior modo per evitare che si rimarginino.
È tutto così difficile.
Se hai un problema meglio se ti fai camminare il cervello, dopodiché tutto sta a rimboccarsi le maniche.
È tutto così faticoso.
Senza calli impossibile suonare, senza calli puoi solo "strimpellare".
Non ce la farò mai...
È stato un piacere!
Non "mio", insegna no. Mo!
/ Not "mine", teach no. Now!
Dal Niente la Storia.
Universe is eternal!
The secret to survive is do not learn their language.
In case you did, then it becomes a Zen exercise.
What is learning?
They say there are two ways of learning:
1. By failure in solving a problem
2. By solving someone else's problem
Engineering tells there are two ways of learning:
1. By code failure
2. By test failure
What then is learning?
Learning is the process of minimizing failure by failure.
Can a system keep learning?
Information fed into a system can produce a range of behaviors, including continuous learning.
Though not all systems learn!
Learning feeds on noise. Only living systems can feed on noise.
So what is learning?
Learning is the process of keeping up with noise through failure.
How can I spot a learning system?
To learn, a system seeks for failure to minimize noise.
How can I improve a learning system?
To feed a learning system:
1. Let it fail;
2. Ask questions.
What does this mean?
The supreme lesson and/of failure cannot be learned.
What's the moral then?
We neither prove nor disprove that:
1. Artificial life is life;
2. Imperialism must fail.